In the early years sector it has taken years to build networks and support systems that work together and target the training needs of the providers. Relationships between advisors, officers and settings in many authorities are working positively, even collaboratively with some settings, towards improvement.
I have been involved in helping to forge these relationships in some boroughs and we have undertaken some fantastic transformational work and seen amazing improvements. Forward thinking authorities know that collaboration is about co-creation. Its the function of genuine communication.
There is more work to be done in this arena, settings working together to evolve practice and projects, to support each other with staff with training. Every child matters and we want the very best for our children and families. Networks, training days and programmes specifically designed with care and consideration to support settings is all coordinated by the early years department in local authorities.
The proposals in "More Great Childcare" are suggesting that the local authorities should not continue its quality assurance, support and training role any more . Instead, it suggests making Ofsted the sole arbiter. This could have a huge impact on the quality of provision in the sector.
I'm wondering what your thoughts are about this, will you share ?
Nice start guys...I went through the website and I found that you made decent point here. Keep up the topic that everyone can choose one of the best. Thanks.childcare