This is how one (early years) organisation describes the benefits of working with us in an independent coaching relationship. Nonviolent communication and NLP were the approaches that were drawn on during the coaching process.
“Since the management team have received coaching, the impact on the whole team has been massive. Both the Childcare Director and Managers have then been able to coach some of the team at each of the sites.
Coaching is so powerful as it helps us to reflect on our practice on another, much higher level, and start to make changes. Any changes we make in our practice and in ourselves will of course have a massive impact on those around us. At all sites there has definitely been an "empowerment" amongst the team - the team are not so reliant on the management team - they make decisions and fulfil their roles much more effectively. It has also created a more honest culture, which is something I've been trying to encourage for 8 years!!!
I also think people feel they have permission to make mistakes and they will be supported with that, as they think about what they would have done differently and how they will move that forward.
The process has helped transform the senior management team's communication with each other, and in some ways taken out the fear factor - which was skewed due to our own stuff!!
"Coaching really helped me open my eyes and see the bigger picture; it helped me understand some of my own skills and areas for development. It helped me question my own practice. Through this process I have then been able to reach out and support my team in a constructive and beneficial way." Kerry Lambourne (Zoom - Eltham, Manager)
Eleanor hasn't experienced coaching first hand herself (yet), - in a formal capacity!! I have and do coach some of her team. She says - paraphrased.
The advantages, I feel, are that the team receive "on the job" training. Team are given time and support, where they are developed. They feel valued and listened to and are helped to progress, in a nurturing way. This affects the team the person is in and the nursery as a whole. The Manager also gets support with training and supporting the team and help to identify areas for development. Everyone benefits. I don't know if most people appreciate the depth and complexity of the job - and so any 1-2-1 support given in areas that could impact many other areas is fantastic for everyone concerned, e.g. confidence. (zoom - baby unit Manager)
Justine says "coaching has impacted me by enabling me to reflect on my practice at a higher level, gave me confidence to be honest about my strengths and areas for development (although painful), taught me that I'm not perfect!! I am now able to listen more effectively and so I was able to give time and space to others to manage their own processes, and role modelling has had a massive impact on practice; empower and motivate."
The coaching process enables team to reflect on their practice and to be continually moving forward and developing and changing. It is empowering and motivating, it places value and results in ownership. It improves communication and allows challenging of each other in a positive and respectful way - which is then modelled to the children.
If the money was there - I would make it compulsory for all Management team to receive coaching sessions regularly - and they then coach their teams, etc. Impacting children, parents, team and themselves!!” Melanie Ferguson Operations Director Zoom Nurseries, London
This leadership team are so inspired, they are now able to use a coaching style with their staff, obviously this is not entirely the same as working with an unbiased independent coach, but it does mean that they have a repertoire of skills to coach their staff in the context of their job related performance and to lead an overall culture in the organisation that fosters equality and inclusiveness in the team. The benefits have been transformational.
If you are interested in working with a coach on an individual basis or would like us to work with your team contact us at
Or join my next 4 day transformational LEAD training programme. We guarantee that you will:
• Gain awareness and flexibility in your leadership style
• Discover the secret of high performing teams.
• Develop coaching and mentoring skills and learn a language for conflict resolution and for creating a culture of team work and collaboration
This is what one participant said who attended my most recent training in Lambeth
“ I have learnt to listen, to work as a team member, to have empathy for my colleagues, have gained confidence and a boldness to sort out issues that occur with the team” Early Years Leader
If you find yourself wanting to acquire theses skills and competencies book your place now by clicking here or telephone me 07795632878 for further information
Next Events
Bromley commencing 6th May
Lincolnshire commencing 7th June (to be confirmed)
Newmarket commencing 8th June
Want to know more about NLP and Nonviolent communication
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