Saturday, 23 February 2013

Liz Truss on ratios and qualifications - Respond to the Consultation Now

There is so much frustration, unrest and annoyance being expressed by people concerned with caring for children in the early years sector. Julian has summarised the situation extremely coherently and offers clear evidence to explain why Liz Truss and others must think again!

Inside the secret garden: Liz Truss on ratios and qualifications - an ill-considered announcement

Like Julian and many others I too have concern over the proposals to increase the number of children to staff. This proposal shows little understanding of what children need during this most important phase of life.  Children's emotional well being and safety is most important and also to have staff that are able to nurture the foundational threads of learning across all areas of intelligence is during the early years. Quality interaction must not be compromised!

In my opinion changing the ratios is not going to achieve the desired outcome which is to improve quality, to increase salaries and attract high calibre well qualified staff. No matter what the qualification is if there are 12 children aged 2 with only 2 staff and one member of staff needs to leave the room - its not easy for one person to cater for the needs of 12 children and to keep them safe! 

Another concern I have is the suggestion that Local Authorities are duplicating the role of Ofsted. My experience of working with local authorities is that they have a direct influence on quality and have worked hard in many boroughs to establish trusted relationships with providers to support them to improve their leadership of the settings and EYFS implementation. Settings appreciate the training, support and consultation that they receive. Ofsted will not be able to do this.
There is a consulation on the DFE website seeking your views on how these arrangments could work more effectively. I have responded - Have you?

June O'Sullivans blog on her visit to France is interesting reading on this subject too!

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