What will it take to lead Early Years Services during these times of rapid change?
According to John Kotter in his points of view: Leading in the 21st Century (2000). Leaders will need to help people tap into their hopes and dreams in order to unlock their talent and energy.
I think this advice is for everyone not only those who are in professional leadership roles: stepping up to leadership and tapping into our own hopes and dreams at work and in our lives is a potential for us all, using the highest executive funtions of the mind to also exceed logic and to play with ideas, allowing our imaginations to invent new ways of working and living together.
Here are some of the competencies we can develop that will support us to find creative ways forward, may be you can think of others too.
Creativity and Vitality; being able to think outside of the box and to have the energy, motivation and a sense of wellbeing to sustain ourselves and to be mindful in our roles.
Flexibility and Adaptability; to see the doors that open when others close; finding positive outcomes, the learning’s, through problems and difficulties - taking advantage of serendipity;
Self control, discipline, determination and persistence; to know when we are putting out fires and when we are working for prevention, evolution and progress; seeing tasks through to completion; being able to manage our emotions and our relationships in whatever context we find ourselves.

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