I have
visited and worked with a number of
Swedish preschools during the past 5 years and my experience is that
their thinking about democracy and freedom is central to their work with
week I visited a preschool in Gothenburg, and interviewed Maria a teacher in a team of
three who works with 4 and 5 year olds. The
philosophy of this particular school is inspired by Reggio Emilia.. Maria,
tells me:
“Democracy and freedom come together”
“The children have clear rules and these rules are changeable”
“We don’t say no unless it is dangerous”
Maria tells me that if we can be in rooms alone so can they, we trust them, she says, they know the rules which are very clear and they know that if they break them they cant be in the area.
We are standing in the Art
area when she tells me that this is an area where children
can be trusted to work for quite substantial periods without adult intervention
– say 20 minutes…it is well organised and stocked with paints, paper and
collage materials, much of the material is in glass containers.
In this area she tells me it is so calm, they sometimes all complete a piece of work as a group, which will be on a large piece of paper.
The only conflicts that occur are maybe that the room might be untidy, or there maybe paint on the walls, but this is ok, they learn and we all clean this together.
Mainly conflicts that occur are outside, when the play is more physical. They know its not acceptable to use language that provokes another to protect themselves or games that are required to be someone underneath or on top, if this happens Maria says they have to talk about it and they know this.
Once a week the children have a meeting to discuss their questions about rules, concerns etc . One child will chair the meeting and will record the question and the decisions. All children vote on decisions using their name on lego pieces, a tower is built as the voting takes place, this makes it easier for them to see where the most votes are. Maria tells me that mostly, the children are able to do this completely alone.
week they voted on being allowed to bring in toys from home. Previously they
have not been allowed to do this. It was interesting said Maria because when
this happened, they found that the noise was very loud, many of them bought
toys in that made a sound. They met together again and agreed that volumes
needed to be turned down, or batteries removed.
There have been many questions/concerns discussed and decisions made during the past few weeks. I saw the notes of each meeting.
These included :
- Its too crowded in here at registration
- Some people don’t flush the chain in the toilet
- Why don’t we have
pizza for lunch?
Children are the living messages
we send to a time we will not see-
Author John W Whitehead
children to be able to work in this way (and I'm not suggesting that we leave them to work alone in rooms) they need to develop language and thinking skills and the social and emotional capabilities for partnership, equality, mutuality, solving problems and discussing their concerns etc ..they need a host of skills and competencies that are grown primarily from innate human potentials (to be nurtured from the inside out.) It is our job to support this process of development, helping them to express themselves as unique individuals who have the confidence, creativity, passion and empathy to know their own views and
be able to listen to others … and it seems to me that this requires all of us..parents, teachers, practitioners, social workers work with ourselves around
these skills and competencies too, how can we nurture these capacities in children if we
don’t practice them ourselves..
If you
would like to know more see:!/tracyseed
or contact me directly to learn more about the work I am doing here in UK.!/tracyseed
or contact me directly to learn more about the work I am doing here in UK.
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