Wednesday 18 January 2012

The Geometry of the Mind

Earlier this week I worked with a group of professionals who train our early year’s workforce, they support settings and individual practitioners and parents in a region of the UK.  They were interested to learn more about Schema’s and how the work developed by Chris Athey, Tina Bruce, the Penn Green Centre and many others, might help them to raise outcomes for children.

This work always inspires me. I enjoyed leading the workshop and would like to continue this work by sharing my own reflections and resources too around this subject. If this is a subject that interests you and you would like to contribute please add your comments on this blog entry, via the facebook page or twitter account listed below.

Questions being discussed now are:

How can we explain the term Schema in a way that can be understood simply?

How might this work help us in our work with children and families and with each other: what are the benefits of embracing this work?

Can this work help us to make sense of the EYFS: the unique child, the nourishing environment, positive interactions and learning experiences…observations, planning etc?

If you have more questions please do add them.
Here are some articles and publications on the subject that may interest you.

Publications which can be purchased through Amazon
(for some reason I have lost my links!!)
Again and Again Understanding Schemas in Young Children Stella Louis, Clare Beswick, Liz Magraw, Lisa Hayes

Threads of Thinking,  Cathy Nutbrown

Understanding Schemas and Emotion  -Cath Arnold

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