Our intention was to lead a transformational personal development week through a blend of mind, heart and body processes and this is exactly what we did last week at Kalikalos, a holistic centre situated in the Pelion mountains, with 14 participants from UK, Greece, Spain, Italy and Denmark.
Kalikalos is within walking distance of the stunningly, beautiful traditional Greek village of Kissos and 20 mins drive or a somewhat longer walk to the most idyllic beaches featured in the film Mama ~Mia. It really is the most wonderful environment to “Dance with Life” together, to contemplate, reflect, explore, discover and create.
We danced and laughed, communicated honestly with respect and trust, debated, negotiated and shared our hearts and through our shadows and with NVC (the work of Dr Marshall Rosenburg) we explored and transformed the patterns that prevent us from fully meeting our needs in love and life. We embraced our uniqueness and stepped into the fullness of our personal power during the sessions of Biodanza.
We met the needs of the group in an organic way through inclusion, trust, connection, absolute authenticity and understanding of our own truth.
At the end of the week...the participants had enjoyed rest, relaxation, wonderful food, sea sunshine and mountain air and learning that came from within themselves and will be taken back to their lives at home.
This is how some of the participants answered these two questions:.
What has been the main learning for you ?
“The realisation that I rejected love because it felt too painful”
“Presence keeping in a loving and happy state”
“Letting go moving into a new life and things that were /are already in place but that I now have fresh confidence and self possessed energy to stride forward with. I feel healthily detached from negative influences at home”
How has this programme benefitted your overall sense of wellbeing?
“It opened my heart”
“The importance of focussing on the present and being truly present with other people. Feeling alive and connected”
“Spiritually my body and mind worked together. My mind learnt how to let go I was more patient with myself throughout the process”.
“Feeling confident with people more willing to open and identify connections with others. I feel more socially and emotionally intelligent”.
“Improved wellbeing in all areas – socially emotionally physically intellectually, mentally...”
There were many more comments and video interviews too, which we will post when we return to UK. If this is a programme that you think you might like to attend sometime, do please contact us directly mail@tracyseedassociates.co.uk or info@lizfostercoaching.com. It is a great opportunity to meet and connect with like-minded people here in Greece or at another location:combining a holiday with personal development in a stunning setting.
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