Wednesday, 26 November 2008

Values Based Leadership

I delivered the first session of the LEAD programme to early years leaders and managers in the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea on 14th November. I really enjoyed working with the participants to help them identify the values that drive them.

It reminded me of the work I did myself when working as MD of Saplings Nurseries, I too, discovered for the first time, in a conscious way, what values were important to me and how my own personal values influenced the way I managed and led myself and others.

Aligning my own values with the organisations and working with my team to align theirs and to gain clarity over the criteria we assigned to them, meant that we led and managed in a way that moved us forward with purpose and vision.

We recognising that if we said we valued openness, honesty, respect and equality we needed to agree what that really meant for us as a company, through every area of our practice.

Did we want honest feedback from parents, staff, children ?

How did we deal with it, when we received it?

We acknowledged our need to develop consciousness over the way we managed. To be able to see our reactions and judgements and work out strategies which were synonymous with our values as well as being in the best interests of all the people that had a stake in the organisation.

It was our awareness and the fact that we started to learn new ways of communicating that helped us. Our intention to create a culture where everyone felt listened to, difficulties were aired openly and where new practises evolved through contribution from the people in the organisation, meant that innovation, creativity and working together in a supportive environment became the norm.

Leading this organisation gave me the best experience ever and I remember with fondness all those that contributed in providing wonderful settings for the children, the staff and parents.

I'm looking forward to continuing my work on this programme and being part of many organisations who want to make a difference in peoples lives.

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